Tuesday, 24 March 2009

At the hotel

I New I could rely on you Rob for a sympathetic response to our predicament.
Anways we woke the booking agent in the US up and finally made contact with the promoter. The excuse was they had the wrong itinery, they didn't and were given short thrift by both Kid and Pete, Once the bollocking was complete the bus went quiet, a few minutes later the promoter plucked up courage to speak,"have you been here before guys"
YES 5 FRIKKIN' HOURS AGO! was the reply.

We are now at the hotel. they have us in the Savoy.. yeh, I know what your thinking, sounds a bit plush dunnit. Well if I tell you there are two kinds of Savoy's in this world Good ones and bad ones you may start to think again.
Our Savoy has a SHOWER and BATH but unfortunately no hot water to go with them, it has air conditioned which manages to both make the room warmer and contravene the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
To be fair we have a fridge, unfortuantly there's fuck all in it, i'm gonna leave the door open and see if it cools the room down a bit!
At least we have a tele although when we checked in they gave the room key and a tele remote, being tired I immiediatly dropped the latter on the floor and it broke into 5 different pieces, (don't think they noticed) gonna get my new soldering iron out later and see if I can fix it!
Gonna get a couple of hours sleep now, were all meeting in reception at 18:00