Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Nasty Surprise

Got a tour of the house (and pete's guitars) and had a look at all the gear in the large garage. We have to load it all into a Uhaul trailer in the morning!
Whilst in the garage I had a nasty surprise, people who know me will be aware that I don't like creepy crawlies at the best of times!
Yes that is a frikkin' Black Widow, and yes I don't like it!
Met Pete's lad Luke and his mother in law, (Grandma) who's lovely a cooked us all a nice meal.
Spent the evening out the back sipping Coronas.
Went to bed absolutely shattered but keep getting up and searching the room for Black Widows, shit i'm so tired but one might get me when I am asleep. This isn't good! Hence I am am sat here typing and keeping an eye out for them when I should really be asleep.
In the moring we have to load the Uhaul trailer ready for the tour and afternoon were going to rehearsal studio's. Must try get some sleep, gonna need it!


  1. theres more scarey & hairy things under your armpit mate,just show that to the widows pinky boy!!!!!

  2. Hi Robbie! you'd have been scared too! bloody thing was taller than you!
    Oh and keep the pinky boy thing quiet, could get me into trouble round west hollywood! xxx

  3. taller than me!surely not,no spider could be more than 4ft tall,hope your having a cracking time mate & stay away from the bud!!!
    west hollywood ummmmmm sounds GAY x
